Visiting the Just Art Pottery new arrivals page is like the anticipation of unwrapping an unexpected gift. You can’t wait to see what awaits you. You never know for sure what it is, but you’re never disappointed. Whether you’re a casual art pottery collector or avidly seek new and hard to find American art pottery, there’s something for everyone. Here are a few of the latest additions:
Clyde Burt Mid-Century Modern Pottery Vase – This is a rare ribbed vase with a black design element that at first sight appears to be random. The glaze and deep brick color is superb and the vase it self is flawless with no seams, damage or repair. It stands 6 ½” high and measures 5 ¼” in width. The artist, Clyde Burt, who was born in Melrose, Ohio in 1922, has work displayed at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. His trademark design elements include the fine black abstract lines against solid colors.
There are also two incredible Fulper Pottery pieces, including a Fulper Pottery Cats Eye Flambe Fishing Man Statue. The browns and deep blues are remarkable under the glossy finish. Notice the
attention to detail, especially in the fisherman’s hand and legs. This is the perfect centerpiece for a mantle or as the star in a curio cabinet. It’s in excellent condition and while it’s a larger piece, it also is only 4” deep. Its size comes in its height and width, measuring 12 ½” and 11 ¼” respectively.
The second Fulper Pottery piece also showcases a fisherman. It too is large and is green, specifically, “cucumber green”. A small restoration effort was made to correct a small chip. It’s considered minor and is the only damage. Another piece that only measures 4” in depth, it’s still considered a large piece. Note the lighter blue that plays off the black and green. It comes together to define a truly lovely art pottery piece.
As always, these are not all-inclusive; there are many other new arrivals that you have to see to appreciate. There is a well rounded inventory that includes Grueby Pottery and a few Hull Pottery vases
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