Monday, January 3, 2011

Slab Pot Basics:Making Slabs

 Making Slabs
Tiles can be achieved in a variety of methods. The most common method is to deploy the slab by hand using a rolling pin. Other methods include using

Slab Rollers: large pieces of equipment that allow potters to roll large slab thickness uniform very quickly.
Extruders: an extruded pipe can be cut through the middle to form a slab.
Waving hand: the slab can be formed by throwing clay on a hard surface at an angle. The resulting slabs are not uniform in thickness and may give an organic feel to a room.

Soft-Slab Construction

Pots Pouch / Beth E Peterson
Many potters have developed a style that uses slabs which have been recently implemented and are still very wet. These flexible panels can be formed into a beautiful, fluid structures often evoke leather. They can be used with molds to slump or drape over the hump molds to make shapes reproducible, allowing the potter to concentrate more on form finishing with surface textures, decorations, or effects of fire. View slump and draping slabs for more information. Tiles can also be formed very soft, and then incorporated into a larger room once they have stiffened the leather hard

Stiff-Slab Construction

Beth E Peterson
The stiff-slab method is more appropriate for architectural and geometric forms. The slab is rolled then allowed to slowly dry to to leather-hard stage before being cut and joined with other stiffened slabs to create the form.

Stiff slab shapes can be merged with other leather-hard clay components, such as stiffened slump-molded slabs, thrown components, or pinched components. For example, a soft slab may be slumped into the opening of the stiff-slab pot as part of creating a lid for the pot. Another example is adding a foot to a stiff-slab pot by joining an open thrown ring to the pot's bottom.

The possibilities are nearly endless. If you haven't made a slab pot before, check out Make a Basic Slab Pot and let your creativity guide you.

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